Pam Hancock named Director of Loss Control

Pam Hancock, who was recently named Director of Loss Control for Preferred, has worked with Public Risk Underwriters of Florida for 16 years as a Senior Safety & Risk Consultant. Pam enjoys working with Preferred members to assist them with their policies, programs and procedures as well as making sure they have a complete understanding […]

Kevin Meehan named Senior Vice President, Director of Trust Services

Please join us in congratulating Kevin Meehan on assuming his new role as Senior Vice President, Director of Trust Services. Kevin will be responsible for overseeing the development, planning and management of Preferred’s outreach and service initiatives. Kevin is known for his enthusiasm as well as his innovative and collaborative approach to service. He is […]

Promote safe driving with a public entity vehicle safety program

An effective commercial vehicle safety program for your organization should include: Having an effective commercial vehicle safety program can help reduce not only vehicle accidents, but also your organization’s operating costs. Whether your organization has company vehicles, or employees use their own vehicles, this program can help the drivers stay safe while on the road. […]

How to increase business security

Theft. Vandalism. Employee or customer harm. Securing a building not only protects your property, contents and inventory – it can also prevent harm to employees and help you avoid future liability claims. Here are steps to increase building security, making your property more secure.   View the infographic below to learn ways to increase your building security. […]

How to mitigate your water damage claims

About water damage claims Each year public entities and businesses spend billions of dollars trying to recover from losses caused by water damage. Even small leaks can lead to costly damages, and leakages can happen at any time of year. Here’s how to make sure your public entity organization doesn’t become one of those figures. […]

Tips to make your landscaping storm wise with hurricane scaping

Submitted by Public Risk Underwriters of Florida, Inc. – Safety & Risk Management Department With the recent increase of hurricane activity, serious consideration should be given to hurricane-scaping landscaping. Hurricane-scaping is a process of taking the necessary steps to modify your landscaping to reduce storm damage. The process consists of selecting storm wise trees, addressing […]

10 Tips for Storm Preparation

Living in Florida leaves no doubt as to how important storm preparation is to the well-being of our communities. Developing a plan that encompasses all facets of the “before, during and after” elements of a storm is essential. Several city managers were interviewed following Hurricane Harvey in the greater Houston area. Here are 10 insights […]

Playing it safe with playground safety

by Chris Kittleson, Certified Playground Safety Inspector (CPSI), Director of Loss Control Technical Services – Public Risk Underwriters of Florida, Inc. Municipal park/recreation departments and school districts often fall short when it comes to playground safety because playground equipment is often not inspected. Regular and reoccurring inspections would identify hazards caused by lack of maintenance, […]

Honoring the Sanibel Fire and Rescue District

Below is an excerpt from Deputy Fire Chief Kevin Barbot to the Sanibel community that was posted on our Facebook page when he was sworn in as fire chief in October 2022. These are his words:  I want to take time to honor and ensure our community understands even a glimpse of what your Fire […]

Deadly weapons coverage: How to be more prepared for the threat of violence

One of the most difficult threats to defend is the attack of an armed individual or group of individuals who intend on inflicting harm. And, unfortunately, these incidents are part of a growing trend in the U.S. Preferred Governmental Insurance Trust provides Deadly Weapons Protection coverage to its members. Members can access services designed to […]