An effective commercial vehicle safety program for your organization should include:

Having an effective commercial vehicle safety program can help reduce not only vehicle accidents, but also your organization’s operating costs. Whether your organization has company vehicles, or employees use their own vehicles, this program can help the drivers stay safe while on the road. This article provides tips on implementing best practices and offering incentives for drivers who achieve safe driving records.

Driver selection

Strive to hire the most qualified person to drive company-owned vehicles. Management should define the specifications/requirements of the job and determine each driver’s ability to meet those requirements. Include:

Driver training

A crucial aspect of a commercial vehicle safety program is to ensure hired drivers receive proper training in safe vehicle operation. As a minimum, they should receive:

Driver monitoring

By implementing a driver monitoring program and increasing driver safety awareness, you can lower accident frequency. Improved public image, lower maintenance costs and reduced fuel costs are other benefits of the program.

What does the program consist of?

Decals listing a toll-free “1-800” reporting number are attached to the rear of the vehicle. The stickers can have various messages on them, such as:

The vehicle decals encourage the public to call a 24-hour monitoring service to report unsafe driving, faulty equipment, improperly loaded vehicles and other potentially hazardous conditions. The monitoring company contacts your client immediately and provides detailed reports of the “1-800” phone call. Some organizations will also assist with driver pre-employment screening programs. They pre-qualify drivers by checking motor vehicle records, criminal records and verifying educational background.

The monitoring company can produce management reports that can be used to evaluate phone call data. These reports may provide an overview of total numbers of calls; drivers with multiple complaints; actions taken by management (driver consultation); and provide an analysis of incoming complaints.

How does a commercial vehicle safety program benefit your organization?

These programs proactively identify unsafe drivers to prevent accidents before they happen. Repeated phone calls and reports on a single driver may indicate poor driving habits or inadequate training. Since the drivers know that anyone can call and report their activities, they drive in a more safe and courteous manner. Managers and supervisors have more information available to them to evaluate and manage their drivers. The program can also help improve public perception of the company by showing their commitment to safety. Because drivers are more conscientious, maintenance costs are lowered, and fuel consumption improved. Citations and traffic violations should also be reduced.

The real value of the program is derived from how the information provided by the monitoring company is used. The program’s effectiveness relies on management formulating policies and procedures for:

Designed to reduce accident frequency, the program also results in stabilized insurance premiums, less equipment downtime (due to accident repair activities) and lower legal expenses.

According to the National Safety Council, vehicle collisions are the leading cause of death in the workplace. This commercial vehicle safety program is a big step towards making your workplace safer.

Driver supervision

Your managers or supervisors are key players in your commercial vehicle safety program. As such, they should be held accountable for safety performance and manage with these tips in mind:

Accident investigation/reporting

Accident investigation will determine the cause of the accident, so that you can implement corrective action to prevent similar recurrences. It can also assist management to determine whether an accident was preventable or not. Suggested procedures are:

Vehicle maintenance

An effective vehicle maintenance program can reduce mechanical failures that may contribute to potential accidents. Some criteria for a maintenance program are:

Vehicle operating safety rules to include in your public entity vehicle safety program

Some safety rules to pass along to your drivers:

Contact your Preferred Loss Control consultant for more information on developing a public entity vehicle safety program.

This article originally appeared on Arrowhead’s corporate blog. It has been used with permission and has been updated and modified to better fit the needs of our Preferred members.