Mobile stormwater pumps help South Broward Drainage District protect homes and properties

There are multiple ways to keep people safe, prevent damages and limit loss of property. Preferred member, South Broward Drainage District (SBDD), is showing its commitment to doing just that.  SBDD recently purchased two high-capacity, mobile stormwater pumps to assist in emergency operations before, during and after major storm events such as tropical storms and hurricanes. The pumps are capable of pumping between 12,000 and 16,000 gallons of stormwater per minute (GPM) and will be used throughout SBDD to lower flood waters in critical areas and to reduce the duration of flooding in these areas. SBDD received $150,000 appropriations grant from the State of Florida to help fund the purchase of this important equipment.

Whether it be before, during or after a major rain event, this apparatus will provide an increased level of service for drainage and flood protection for SBDD. The units will reduce road closures; reduce the number of times that businesses might be closed; reduce potential sewage overflows, thereby allowing residents to use their bathrooms without any interruptions or overflows; reduce the potential for infiltration of contaminated flood waters into the groundwater and reduce the potential for polluted runoff from entering adjacent surface waters.

According to SBDD District Director, Kevin Hart, “These pumps will provide SBDD with another important tool in helping to protect homes and properties from flooding during major rainfall events.”

SBDD is the largest single-purpose drainage district in Broward County with a jurisdictional area of approximately 72 square miles. For more information on SBDD operations and facilities visit the district’s website at

For more information on disaster preparedness and creative ways to mitigate property loss please contact your Preferred Loss Control Consultant.