How to prepare your organization for a hurricane

A hurricane’s path of devastation may be wide and ongoing for days, sometimes more than a week. For this reason, we’re arming you ahead of time with tips and advice on how to protect your organization from hurricane damage. By starting your planning early, you can take time to thoughtfully work through every action that needs to take place.

The National Hurricane Survival Initiative has created a business survival plan to serve as a comprehensive guide to safeguarding an organization. It includes steps to improve employee safety plus protect property and company data.

Using these guidelines will not only protect your organization from hurricane damage, but also ensure you’re prepared to handle any damages following any disaster. Furthermore, they recommend that you choose a back-up location where your organization could run smoothly if damages occur on the original site and discuss this with all employees. If your organization’s site is damaged, be sure to assess, document and report losses as soon as possible.

More than just knowing hurricane routes out of town, here are a number of critical steps you need to think through, to protect your organization from hurricane damage.

Related: 10 Tips for Storm Preparation

1. Pre-plan for safe data storage

Since there’s typically advance warning when a hurricane approaches, it’s important to transport your data quickly and at the first sign of trouble.

These measures, many of which are courtesy of National Hurricane Survival Initiative, will ensure that your data is where you need it to be in a recovery.

2. Protect your people

Particularly since the onset of COVID-19, our workforces may still be scattered. Some work onsite; some work remotely; still others are traveling.

3. Protect your property

4. Protect important documents and information

Related: Start the New Year with an updated natural disaster emergency response plan

5. Use a Preparedness Checklist to protect your organization from hurricane damage

The below items should be gathered in one location at your organization should a storm hit while you are on premises. This will help protect the safety of your employees should disaster strike during regular working hours and without ample notice.

For more information on protecting your organization from hurricane damage, download our FREE 2024 Preferred Preparedness Guide by clicking on the image below. The principles and practices covered in our guide will assist your organization in preventing injuries, protecting your property and your organization’s data.

This article was originally published on Arrowhead’s corporate blog. It is used with permission and has been modified and updated to better fit the needs of our Preferred members.