The property data you need for hurricane season

By Melvin P. Ngayan, Director of Appraisal Services, Centurisk When you’re talking about the data that insurers and reinsurers need in the case of a hurricane risk event, this mainly concerns the “E” in secondary COPE data. In Risk Management, COPE is an acronym for “Construction Occupancy Protection and Exposure.” COPE data comes in two […]

Foot safety in the workplace: Safety from the ground up

Walk this way to workplace foot safety Warm weather always means sandals, flip-flops and other casual footwear. While more comfortable in hotter weather, these styles may not always be the safest choice for the workplace. Feet are often overlooked when it comes to anticipating potential injury, but the right footwear can make all the difference […]

Workplace accidents and best practices for incident reporting

Why you should file incident reports Wherever there are people – employees, volunteers, customers – there will be accidents. It’s the Murphy’s Law of life. For this reason, we’re providing you with a list of best practices for incident reporting. No matter what type of organization you are, with your employees or people who visit […]

Tips for your organization during and after a flood

What to do when your workplace is flooding and afterward This blogpost is an abbreviated compilation of Zurich’s When to activate your flood response plan and Flood recovery: What to do when the waters recede and is used with permission from Zurich. You and your employees have prepared for potential floods as best you can. You checked and shored […]

Tips for using employee-owned vehicles in your organization

How to minimize your exposure when employees use their own vehicles Does your organization rely on employees using their own vehicles for work? If so, you may have automobile loss exposures for which you’re unaware, putting your organization’s assets at risk. Whether using employee-owned vehicles is a daily or sporadic event, your organization now has […]

How to prevent lightning injuries and damage at your organization

It’s summer thunderstorm season for every state of the Union. For this reason, we’re focusing on the potential threat of lightning injuries and damage – and how you can mitigate them. Every year there are about 25 million cloud-to-ground lightning flashes in the U.S. Each one of those flashes is a potential killer. In fact, […]

Minimize workplace slips, trips and falls with these tips

It’s National Safety Month, and one of this year’s safety topics is slips, trips and falls. Despite being one of the most easily preventable hazards, slips, trips and falls (STFs) continue to be a leading cause of workplace accidents, hospital visits and insurance claims. The conditions that lead to these types of incidents are often […]

Protect your organization from hurricane damage

How to prepare your organization for a hurricane A hurricane’s path of devastation may be wide and ongoing for days, sometimes more than a week. For this reason, we’re arming you ahead of time with tips and advice on how to protect your organization from hurricane damage. By starting your planning early, you can take […]

How to reduce on-the-job injuries

How to minimize or prevent lifting injuries Every year, more than a million employees in the U.S. suffer workplace injuries due to improper lifting. In fact, back-related injuries account for at least 20 percent of injuries in the workplace, and 25 percent of all workers’ compensation claims involve back injuries. How can you help reduce on-the-job […]

How employers can help prevent distracted driving

April is National Distracted Driving Awareness Month, so take the time to focus on how your organization can help prevent distracted driving with your employees. One of the most prevalent causes of motor vehicle incidents is distracted driving. Crashes caused by technology-related distractions are on the rise. The following distracted driving prevention information can help […]